Sharrow Snuff, S.P.100

From: £1.50
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Nicotine Content
  • Low
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4 Selected
  • 5
  • High
Moisture Content
  • Dry
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3 Selected
  • 4
  • 5
  • Moist

Sharrow Snuff, S.P.100 offers a similar experience to the best-selling Best S.P. snuff, but with some subtle yet distinct variations. A finely ground texture and moderate dryness helps bring out the flavour of the high-quality tobacco leaf. Sharrow Snuff S.P.100 has been compared favourably to S.P. No.1 in terms of taste, texture and quality. 

This product is best suited for users seeking a moderately high nicotine content with average moisture. If you prefer a stronger snuff product, try Sharrow Snuff, Gold Label.

Sharrow Snuff, S.P.100 is available in a variety of sizes, from small single tins to large pound drums.

Why not try out our new tap tin design as you can see in the pictures made to make taking snuff that much easier just tap and sniff.